5 Great ChatGPT Prompts for SEO Analysis You Haven’t Thought of Using Yet
Let these ChatGPT prompt ideas inform and enhance your SEO strategy!
ChatGPT is known to produce content of decent quality. But what is not discussed enough is how great it is at analyzing content.
Here are a few ideas on how AI text analysis can inform, streamline, and improve your SEO research and analysis:
1. “Describe search intent for this query [KEYWORD]”
ChatGPT is an absolute gem for intent analysis and suggesting ways to better meet that intent. So feel free to also prompt it to:
Suggest ways to better optimize for that intent
Provide some content formats and/or on-page elements to help make your content more helpful for this intent
Describe a buyer persona behind that search query
I also have created this custom ChatGPT for SEO which makes this research easier.
2. “Make this content more helpful [TEXT] for my target query [KEYWORD]”
Copy-paste your (outdated) copy into ChatGPT and let it suggest ways to make it helpful. Or give your and your competitor’s URL and ask it which is more helpful and why.
3. “Read this page [URL], and suggest keywords we should be targeting in PPC and SEO”
In many cases, you have an idea for a product or service but have a hard time matching it to search queries. In these cases, I always spend hours searching, referencing keyword research tools, and searching again.
I still do that but now I can also ask ChatGPT and add its ideas to my list!
4. “Extract SEO keywords this content is optimized for [TEXT]”
ChatGPT can quickly point you to keyword phrases any article is optimized for:
Next, follow up with more prompts:
What is the frequency for each keyword being used in the provided text
Identify long-tail keywords being used within that content and the frequency for each one
Classify those identified articles by search intent and frequency
This is my content on the same topic: [TEXT] Tell me which keywords my content is missing based on the analysis above.
Which of the above articles is better and why?
Extract subheadings from each article and compare how well subheadings are optimized in each article
Keep talking to the tool until it loses track of the discussion. Some of its answers may give you ideas for more prompts and questions. You will likely get lots of ideas on how to improve your own page based on this conversation.
5. “This is my competitor’s content: [TEXT] Create semantic analysis of this content”
Semantic analysis is a process that focuses on exploring the relationships between keywords and the underlying concepts they represent.
Google applies semantic analysis to better understand the context behind queries and web documents these queries should be linked to.
I have been using this prompt to better understand what my article should include or even focus on. Sometimes you will need to explain it better to ChatGPT: “Please provide the semantic analysis: Extract entities and concepts from this content”.
If you are trying to figure out why your article is not ranking well for a specific query, you can prompt ChatGPT to compare a higher-ranking competitor’s page to your page using semantic analysis:
Please compare your semantic analysis above to my article [TEXT] Are they semantically close?
You can even ask it to compare your article’s semantics to your competitor’s and create a comparison table:
Please compare the above two articles side by side and create a table to list common semantic concepts / entities and include semantic concepts / entities that are missing from either.
After this prompt, ChatGPT created a table listing each semantic concept it was able to identify, noting if it is present in each or both of the articles.
I asked to visualize it better, so ChatGPT came back with this:
Keep your conversation with the tool going until you really like the result. If ChatGPT returns something you don’t like, tell it that. The tool will adjust its output.
BONUS: “Analyze this article [TEXT] and come up with Q&A, takeaways, and comparison table I could add to it to improve it”
Improving your (or your writer’s) content using ChatGPT is always a good idea because it could help your page rank higher, get featured, rank in “People Also Ask” boxes, etc. ChatGPT also makes it incredibly easy and fast.
There are many more prompts that can be used for various SEO tasks. I wanted to highlight some that are not as obvious or discussed to help your inspiration flow. Please share yours!